Weightlifting and Injury Prevention

After 8 months of being closed and 2 weeks of restrictions, we can finally return to our normal gym routine. With restrictions dropped, we now have time to warm up, and ensure we are lifting with proper form. Having had such a long time away from the gym, we have to consider ourselves back to ground zero with all of our fitness goals. This is the perfect time to consider re-learning these movements, to ensure your body stays injury-free. Furthermore, with more time to warm-up, we can ensure the movements we want to train can be develop the muscles properly without compensating with other muscle groups.

Warming Up

With the big 3 movements (squat, deadlift, and bench press) being considered gold standard landmarks to track while developing strength, it is important to consider what muscles are required to work to adequately perform these lifts. With these movements being so commonly used and with the amount of effort required to perform them properly, we need to ensure our bodies are warmed up enough to execute them to their fullest effect. Warming up the muscles involved in these lifts will help increase your muscular temperature, which can in turn optimize performance in muscle power and efficiency 1,2,3.

Injury Prevention

Preventing certain injuries while in the weight room can be done by simply teaching proper form of different movements. There is a lot of misinformation on the internet, and it is important to be taught how to execute big lifts properly. In doing so, you can be confident in your ability to lift and improve your technique, thus progressing in your strength.

If you would like to have your lifting form assessed, discuss injuries you have sustained from being in the gym, or want a proper warm-up routine, come see one of our physiotherapists in Preston clinic right off of Bell Street.


1 Frikha, M., Chaâri, N., Mezghanni, N., & Souissi, N. (2016). Influence of warm-up duration and recovery interval prior to exercise on anaerobic performance. Biology of Sport, 33(4), 361.

2. Zochowski, T., Johnson, E., & Sleivert, G. G. (2007). Effects of varying post-warm-up recovery time on 200-m time-trial swim performance. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2(2), 201-211.

3. Racinais, S., Blonc, & Hue, O. (2005). Effects of active warm-up and diurnal increase in temperature on muscular power. Medicine and science in sports and exercise, 37(12), 2134.


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